

Fresh perspectives for an evolving industry

Discover new ideas where traditional IT, emerging digital technologies and business interact.
100 dollar note.

How Bank Leaders Can Meet Surging Demand for Paycheck Protection Program Funding

By: | Posted on: Apr 10, 2020

Managing a huge operational challenge amid an economic shutdown and fluid requirements to keep business and employees afloat . . .

happy team showing thumbs up symbol.

The Digital Workplace: Getting “Tech” to Work at Work

By: | Posted on: Apr 3, 2020

Is your workplace sufficiently digitized? The digital employee experience (DEX) is reshaping how work gets done and employees are engaged. . . .

Business People Having Board Meeting In Office

Effective Leadership Traits for Talent Retention

By: | Posted on: Mar 26, 2020

As the saying goes – people don’t leave their jobs, they leave managers. And for those employees who actually quit their jobs, who’s responsible . . .

employee on virtual call with remote teammates from desktop.

COVID-19: Update from System Soft Technologies

By: | Posted on: Mar 18, 2020

The global coronavirus pandemic is affecting everyone. In these days of anxiety and concern, we know our existing and new clients are unsure . . .


Are RPA bots replacing people?

By: | Posted on: Mar 9, 2020

The short answer is yes, but the long answer is no. Confused? Let’s try and clarify this.  Being a bit of a veteran in the automation industry, in my . . .

business process automation graphical image

The Growing Competitive Risk from Ignoring Business Process Automation with RPA

By: | Posted on: Feb 18, 2020

A history of process automation. Back in 1819, Charles Babbage built a mechanical device with storage to automate math processes.  In 1890, . . .

group of employees discussing on digital employee experience

Digital Transformation: How to Keep, Engage Top Performers using Digital Employee Experience

By: | Posted on: Feb 10, 2020

It’s common knowledge that with the U.S. unemployment rate at a historic low of 3.5%, the labor market is very tight. With opportunities . . .

Hiring challenges

Six Hiring Challenges in a Candidate-driven Market

By: | Posted on: Nov 6, 2019

Hiring the right candidate is more challenging than people realize – especially when it comes to hiring for IT and digital roles. Heavy workloads pressure . . .


2019: A Milestone Year

By: | Posted on: Oct 22, 2019

Today was an important day for System Soft. I’m very excited to have announced our accelerating momentum in business growth around helping . . .