Posts in the Talent Management category


Fresh perspectives for an evolving industry

Discover new ideas where traditional IT, emerging digital technologies and business interact.
welcome on board

Why is onboarding important?

By: | Posted on: Apr 15, 2020

Do you remember when you first started at your job? With so many new people to meet and responsibilities to fulfill, were you nervous? . . .

Business People Having Board Meeting In Office

Effective Leadership Traits for Talent Retention

By: | Posted on: Mar 26, 2020

As the saying goes – people don’t leave their jobs, they leave managers. And for those employees who actually quit their jobs, who’s responsible . . .

Hiring challenges

Six Hiring Challenges in a Candidate-driven Market

By: | Posted on: Nov 6, 2019

Hiring the right candidate is more challenging than people realize – especially when it comes to hiring for IT and digital roles. Heavy workloads pressure . . .