Next generation, cloud based endpoint security. Is it the pinnacle for endpoint security we’re seeking?
Let’s look at what next gen, cloud endpoint security is, how it compares to legacy endpoint security and what will be best for your organization’s endpoint security.
What Is Next Gen, Cloud Based Endpoint Security?
Before diving into what next gen, cloud based endpoint security is, let’s touch on what artificial intelligence (AI) and deep learning is.
The IBM definition of AI: “At its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, which are often mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence.”
Simply put, AI, at its base, is the use of computers to mimic rational learning using complex algorithms and mathematical functions. This allows machines to perform similar learning functions to humans. These machines can then analyze huge data sets, increasing scalability and efficiency, and minimizing issues like latency and errors.
Of course, there’s much more to AI. But let’s save that for another time.
Now, onto next gen, cloud based endpoint security.
Fundamentally, it’s a collaboration between humans and machines to constantly monitor the cyber threats posing serious challenges in this age of modern-day technology.
Collectively, next gen, cloud based endpoint security is a term describing the deploying and monitoring of endpoint security protocols using AI. It encapsulates deep learning huge datasets of endpoint behavior and anomalies and threats in near real time.
The nature of these attacks is getting more severe and sophisticated every day. Cyber criminals are also using AI, combined with bots and social engineering techniques, to find and exploit vulnerabilities. Their end game is gaining access to target systems.
Next gen, cloud based endpoint security provides an integrated approach that incorporates a centralized control against these cyber threats. It promptly detects and ideally deters intrusions. Deep learning, evidence-based methods and predictive analysis can be incorporated into machines, enabling them to confront cyber security threats.
3 Advantages of Next Gen, Cloud Based Endpoint Security
1. Near real-time protection. Timely detection of malware enables next gen, cloud based endpoint security to provide real-time protection of your critical infrastructures.
2. Instant malware expunction. Next gen, cloud based endpoint security performs its function by analyzing the actions of potential cyber threats. It then takes counter measures against any detected malware, spyware or virus.
3. Large pool of cyber threats. With the AI component of endpoint security, the concept is to gather cyber threat information from a large pool of endpoints across clients. This gives a better understanding and view of threats as they develop.
And it supplies larger endpoint security firms with the advantage of early detection and prevention based on their large deployment bases. Coincidently, smaller clients also receive help from endpoint security vendors’ entire deployment bases. In this case, bigger is better.
What Is Legacy Endpoint Security?
Legacy endpoint security is a signature-based solution that blocks the pathway of malware, which is trying to break into the endpoints. All files penetrating the network are continuously scanned and compared against known attack signatures before allowing usage.
This is a traditional and one-dimensional approach for managing cyber security threats. It prevents known vulnerabilities. But some unknown, malicious codes may still penetrate your system.
Legacy endpoint security is considered insufficient to counter the sophisticated obfuscations, evolving malware and zero-day threats.
To give you a better understanding, here are 3 key disadvantages of legacy endpoint security.
3 Disadvantages of Legacy Endpoint Security
1. Limited detection capabilities. Legacy endpoint security solutions are considered outdated. Malware may still compromise your system, despite the best efforts of legacy endpoint solutions.
2. Security gaps. Security is only as good as your last update. In a world of real-time and zero-day attacks, signatures are obsolete by the time they are updated, and patches are distributed.
3. Mutating malware. Various versions of malware are directly commanded and controlled by attackers. These malwares are capable of maturing and mutating over time. Legacy endpoint security may remain ineffective against such malicious codes.
Key Differences: Next Gen, Cloud Based Endpoint Security vs. Legacy Endpoint Security
Next gen, cloud based endpoint security deploys a systematic approach. It uses deep learning and machines to keep a continuous check on security issues.
Meanwhile, legacy endpoint security uses a signature-based approach against any malware trying to enter your endpoint devices like computers, laptops and mobile phones.
Next gen, cloud endpoint protection and security algorithms continuously evolve and improve in real time.
Meanwhile, legacy endpoint security lags. It’s limited to the speed and frequency of updating signatures.
Next gen, cloud based endpoint security is the future for securing your organization’s endpoints. Legacy endpoint security is falling short of its mark at keeping up with the challenges of increasingly complex cyber threats in a decreasing timeframe.
Is your organization currently evaluating your endpoint security environment?
System Soft Technologies can help your organization design customized security solutions for your unique business needs.
Contact me for an introductory consultation and to get started on your endpoint security journey. And follow System Soft on LinkedIn for more security insights and trends.
About the Author: John Nykaza
As a Senior Enterprise Security Architect at System Soft Technologies, John brings more than 20 years of experience delivering enterprise IT security strategies to expand capabilities, reduce global risk exposure and find vulnerabilities. He has expertise in financial technology, cyber security and Big Data solutions to help modernize IT security platforms and drive enterprise security for clients worldwide.