Quality Services

Ensure Release of the Best Applications

IT quality assurance service provider

Drive Business Growth with Better Applications

Getting new applications released fast can drive significant business growth. But sacrificing quality and security for speed is tremendously risky. Unfortunately, quality assurance usually acts as a drag on development speed. 

IT quality assurance service provider

To streamline this process, System Soft Technologies provides clients with several options for quality assurance:

  • Full-cycle software testing services, both functional and non-functional, to avoid the hassle and cost of set up and management
  • Dedicated QA specialists for client-managed projects
IT quality assurance service provider

Our QA practice spans a variety of testing scenarios:

  • Manual
  • Automation
  • API
  • Mobile
  • QA Outsourcing
  • Performance
  • Security
IT quality assurance service provider

Security Testing Focus Areas

We cover four focus areas in security testing—especially for websites and applications. These areas include:

  • Application vulnerability and penetration testing. We look for vulnerabilities in the application stack.
  • System software security. We assess weaknesses across your software (operating system, database system and other software), which the application needs.
  • Client-side application security. We ensure the client (browser or any such tool) cannot be manipulated.
  • Server-side application security. We make sure the server code and its technologies are robust to fend off any intrusion.